“Offensive Powershell” - build your own TCP scanner and password spraying tool in PowerShell

Before we start, let me explain why I have used “offensive Powershell” in the title. Can Powershell be used to create offensive tools? Well, it’s just a scripting language, but it’s Turing complete language, thus yes! it can be used for creating any tools, same with other similar scripting languages such as Python, Visual Basic Script or web based JavaScript, not to mention the “proper languages”, compiled ones, like C, C++ or awesome C#. It’s always about your goals. What I always say, these tools aren’t “offensive” but people who use them and their intentions can be as productive as destructive! You must have heard about tools like MetaSploit (written in Ruby) which helps security and IT professionals identify security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations and providing true security risk intelligence or PowerShell Empire, post-exploitation framework written in PowerShell.

These tools are used by Red Teams and Pen-Testers to identify vulnerabilities and make your system more secure in general, but “every stick has two ends” and there will always be some evil mind, who will want to exploit your network with these smart programs I mentioned before.

Our goal here is to create a simple TCP port scanner and in PowerShell, with the OS detection!! HOWEVER, you will be able to detect installed OS, only if you have required permissions to do so and it works only for Windows systems.

echo "==================================================================="
echo "A Simple port scanner with a pseudo Windows version detection"
echo "Only for windows system"
echo "FTP weak password check function has been added "
echo "USAGE: change ports and endPoint variables to scan your own network "
echo "==================================================================="




echo "Please wait trying to identify your local IP address"

$ipa=Get-NetIPConfiguration | ?{$_.interfacealias  -and $_.ipv4defaultgateway -ne $null`
-and $_.netadapter.status -ne 'Disconnected'} | select ipv4address
$localhost=$ipa.ipv4address | select -ExpandProperty ipaddress
echo "OK! your local IP identified $($ipa.ipv4address | select -ExpandProperty ipaddress)"
} catch {echo "Unable to identify your local IP :("}


function isAlive?{

$ping = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping

foreach($end in $endPoint){

    if($ping_status.Status -eq 'Success') {
        echo "-----------------------------------------"
        Write-Host "$end is alive" -BackgroundColor DarkBlue -ForegroundColor yellow
            if ($ping_status.Address -eq $localhost){
                    $obj= $(Get-WmiObject `
                    -ComputerName $end win32_operatingsystem |select `
                    identity? $obj

                } else {
                        try {
                            $cred=Get-Credential ''
                            $obj= $(Get-WmiObject `
                            -ComputerName $end win32_operatingsystem -Credential $cred -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |select `
                            identity? $obj
                            #echo "Your OS: $(Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $end -Credential $cred win32_operatingsystem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | select -ExpandProperty caption)"
                                $err = $_.Exception.Message
                                echo "UNKNOWN OS or incorrect USER/PASSWORD"


        echo "----------------------------------------"
        Write-Host "$end $($ping_status.Status) " -BackgroundColor red



function portCheck{

foreach($p in $ports){
    $rpc=new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient
        try {
             echo "PORT $p on $end IS OPEN"
             if ($p -eq 21){
                echo "Checking for WEAK password in FTP services"
              $err = $_.Exception.Message
              echo "PORT $p on $end IS CLOSED "
              #echo "error $err"


function weak_ftp_pass{
    foreach($user in $users){
        foreach($pass in $passwords){
                        $ftpRequest = [System.Net.FtpWebRequest]::Create("ftp://"+$end)
                        $ftpRequest.Method = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::ListDirectoryDetails
                        #echo "Checking $user : $pass"
                        #sleep 1
                        $ftpRequest.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($user, $pass)
                        $result = $ftpRequest.GetResponse()
                        $message = $result.BannerMessage + $result.WelcomeMessage
                        Write-Host "Match found! for $user : $Pass" -BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Black
                        #break #uncomment if you just need 1 password

                        $err_ftp = $_.Exception.message
                        #echo "$err_ftp"
    }echo ""
     echo "======= FTP BANNER START ==========="
     echo "$message"
     echo "======= FTP BANNER END ==========="
     echo ""


function identity? {

                    $os_properties=New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
                   echo "==========================================="
                   echo "$os_properties"
                   echo "==========================================="
